dimanche 28 février 2010

WVBF Protour 2009 presented by Cornèrcard in Salta (Argentine)

"A brilliant game despite a wrong weather"
(Lausanne the 29 of April 2009) A cool, rainy weather did not prevent tidiness of the first
WVBF Protour 2009 in Salta (Argentina), fourth stage in 2009. The tournament organized by
the Argentina Volleyball and Beach volleyball Association chaired by Rodolpho Bouhid, with
the support of Bernardo Pavisic, WVBF board member, saw teams from everywhere around
the world.
The women's victory finally came back to "queens" of the WVBF circuit, already winner of
several 2008 Protour stages, the U.S. Elisabeth "Liz" Pagano and Patty "Pat" Keller who beat
the Brazilian pair composed of Maria De Sousa and Johana De Paula in two sets (21 – 16 /
21 – 13). Note the beautiful third place of the Bolivian Pavisic and Balderrama who sign their
second consecutive podium after their third place in Cochabamba last week.
The men’s final was beautiful with four champions who have more than ten victories in
WVBF events, the Italians Roberto Buragina and Milian Lazaro against Americo – Slovenian
pair composed of Said Soukaine and Gregor Lah. The high-level final finally saw the victory
of the Italians in two sets (21 - 17 / 21 - 17) with some superb blocks by Milian Lazaro.
Victory in the third place game returned to Cochabamba’s winners, Martins and De Sousa
Rodolpho Bouhid thanks the players, referees and volunteers who worked for the
tournament’s success. He thank the WVBF who support the national associations for both
development and tournament’s organization. Finally, he also thanked His colleague and
friend Bernardo Pavisic for the assistance it has provided in Salta
The World Volleyball and Beachvolleyball Federation (WVBF), the only world Volleyball and
Beach Volleyball institution who respects and fully implements the International Olympic
Committee (IOC) fundamentals: democratic elections by secret ballots, finance transparency
and development, by through Kelly Sprunger, President assistant, congratulated the
excellent organization of this event and thanked the Argentine authorities who have made
possible the holding of this world tournament. Kelly Sprunger wishes again to thank
Cornèrcard, WVBF main sponsor for the help that the bank gives to WVBF "Sport is an
ethical world and we are lucky to work every day with an ethical team as Cornèr in Lugano
and in Lausanne ».
The Protour will now stop for two months. Next steps are going to be held in July and August
in Switzerland and Italy. The beach volleyball season promises to be full of surprises.

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