lundi 23 août 2010

WVBF Protour 2010 Presented by Cornèrcard in Vevey (Switzerland)

«Outstanding finals on Swiss Riviera»

(Lausanne, 18 August 2010) The Beach volleyball World Championships Protour 2010 organized by the World Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Federation (WVBF) has for the second consecutive year made a stop in Vevey. It was once again on the beautiful market square, the largest open square in Europe, that eleven men's teams and eight women's teams fought all week to win the title.
The victory in the women's draw was a confirmation of last year’s tournament. Three out of the four young women in final this year were already in final in 2009. It is finally the Brazilian pair composed of Edilma Costa and Angela Moraes who won the title after an outstanding final against the defending champions, the Americans Elizabeth Pagano (best player of the tournament) and Noel Frohman. The podium is completed by a nice Romania pair on the world circuit, Victoria and Elenia Farcas. Africa was represented by the Mali female team.

For the men, the title went to a really solid pair from Brazil made up of Juliano Vieira and Matias Tonnini who fought very hard during an amazing final to defeat a very experienced Italian pair, Roberto Buragina and Milian Lazzaro. It is important to point out the excellent performance of the Swiss team Julien Dougoud and Clement Schoeb who just missed out the third place during the quarter-final leg. Africa was represented by the Zimbabwe male team.

The WVBF President Jean Pierre Seppey said he was very pleased with this edition and already promised great developments for next year: "I am pleased with the success that the event has received from both the public and the political institutions. I am proud to announce that after the Teen Kids camp success of this year, the WVBF, according to its promotional and educational principles through sport, will offer to all the population of Vevey the 2011 Junior U18 Beach volleyball World Championshisp in opening of the 2011 WVBF Protour leg.”

The City of Vevey through its Mayor, Mr. Laurent Baillif, gave a very positive response to this second edition: "The second edition of the WVBF Protour in Vevey took place satisfactorily, even if the sky was less generous that in the 2009 edition. The high level of play of the best teams was very enthusiastic for the audience, whether they were novices or experts. The organisation of the beach volleyball tournament on the Market Square was flawless with a good collaboration with the facilities offered by “Vevey plage”. This association resulted in the joint organisation during a month, of a beach volleyball camp for local children and teens. Increasing the capacity of the stands, a flexible competition schedule of the different pools, qualifying and finals matched, the installation of covers for the spectators, all these factors contributed to the smooth running of the tournament. Even when the rain was invited onto the stage, the tournament was able to continue in compliance with technical and sport requirements. The City of Vevey welcomes this event and thanks both the organizers, sponsors and institutions who have contributed to this huge success."

The Organizing Committee’s President Charles Weber would like to thank both sponsors and political authorities without whom the event would not have been possible: "There are no major events without great support and I am very pleased for the work done by Vevey sports department lead by Jean Marc Bryois. Thank you to the Police who made their best to facilitate our work. Thank you to the sponsors without whom the budget would never have been met. Finally, thank you to all the population of Vevey who came numerously to the competitions. On behalf of the Committee, I invite everyone to be present again in 2011. "

The athletes will now enjoy a full month of training before tackling the fourth edition of the WVBF Protour in Lugano.

vendredi 13 août 2010

WVBF ProTour 2010 Vevey (Suisse)

"Lancement réussi!"
La première journée de la seconde édition de l'étape veveysanne du Championnat du monde de Beach volleyball Protour 2010 vient de s'achever sous le soleil de la très belle place du marché.

Parmi les 12 équipes sur 19 déjà entrées en lice, on peut mentionner dans le tableau masculin la victoire aisée des favoris brésiliens ainsi que le premier succès des régionaux de l'étape, les Suisses Julien Dougoud et Clément Schoeb. Dans le tableau féminin, les tenantes du titre, les américaines Elisabeth Pagano et Noël Frohman ont parfaitement su gérer la pression et se sont imposées en 2 sets.

Un partie officielle a solennellement ouvert le tournoi et a été pour la WVBF une excellente occasion de saluer le soutien tant des institutions politiques de la ville que des partenaires et sponsors qui contribuent au succès de l'événement.

La deuxième journée s'annonce passionnante avec en point d'orgue un affrontement très attendu à 22h00 entre les 2 paires favorites du tournoi chez les messieurs, les brésiliens Matias Tonini et Juliano Vieira et la légendaire paire du Protour composée de Said Souhikane et Gregor Lah.

WVBF ProTour 2010 Vevey (Suisse)

« Vevey dans les starting blocs »

(Vevey le 08 août 2010) La Fédération Mondiale de Volleyball et de Beach Volleyball (WVBF) ainsi que le Comité d’Organisation (CO) invitent la population veveysane et régionale à venir assister à la seconde édition du Championnat du Monde de Beach volleyball Protour qui se déroulera sur la splendide et mythique Place du Marché de Vevey du 12 au 15 août prochain.

En plus de la présence des meilleurs(es) joueurs et joueuses du monde entier (Brésil, Etats Unis, Bolivie, Italie, Suisse et Zimbabwe notamment), l’événement peut à nouveau compter sur les éléments qui ont largement contribué au succès de l’édition 2009 : Musique non stop, danseuses, bars, restaurants ainsi que, conformément aux principes fondamentaux de la WVBF, de nombreuses animations pour les enfants et adolescents de la région et à nouveau son tournoi inter-entreprises.

Les compétitions se dérouleront du jeudi au samedi de 13:00 à 23:00 ainsi que le dimanche 15 août jusqu’à 21:00 pour les finales. Les bars et restaurants seront quant à eux ouverts tous les jours de 12:00 à minuit.

En plus des compétitions dont les entrées sont gratuites, La WVBF est fière d’offrir aux habitants de la région une démonstration de Capoeira ainsi qu’un concert gratuit de la jeune et talentueuse Elena Davis. Ces deux animations auront lieu le mercredi 11 août dès 20:00 sur le site des compétitions. Toutes les commodités (bars, restaurants) seront ouvertes.

La WVBF et le CO invitent tous les fans de Beach volleyball à venir s’amuser gratuitement dans une ambiance festive et décontractée et à admirer le talent des athlètes ainsi que la beauté de la marraine de charme de l’événement, Micaela Lopez Bianchi, Miss Argentine 2010.

lundi 2 août 2010

WVBF Presented by Cornèrcard in Diamante (Italy)

Beach Volleyball in Diamond for Diamante

(Diamante July 26) The second Italian leg of 2010 Beach volleyball World Championship Protour organized by the World Volleyball and Beach volleyball Federation (WVBF) just took place in the beautiful city of Diamante (Calabria). Players from all around the world struggled during three days to reach the title in front of a large and brave public. The men title was easily won by the Brazilian team Matias – Vieira after an exciting final against the Italian Lazaro – Buragina. In the women’s draw, the two involved Bolivian pairs reached the grand final. The cup finally went to Canedo – Balderamma who beat Pavisic – Ortiz during an extraordinary three set final.

"We have admired really exciting matches and High sport level - commented Vittorio Silvestri, Italian Beach Volleyball Association President (FIBV). Both Bolivian athletes have challenged their fellows to the ball game. A competition full of acrobatic and excited rallies. The public was amazing, for example during a surprising men’s final between Brazilian and Italo-Cuba pair. The success was so important that there has already been talked of renewing this competition next year. »

The results of this step cannot be more positive – said the World Volleyball and Beach volleyball Federation President Jean Pierre Seppey - we are already ready to reconfirm Diamante in our world Beach Volleyball calendar. The municipality’s reply fell immediately; the Diamante Mayor, Ernesto Magorno, and the head of sports, Mariano Casella, stated: "This tournament was a huge chance for all the city of Diamante and especially for youth, we already bid for an event next year, such a great way to promote our tourist resort located on the sea front.

An exceptional godmother was responsible to reward the winners: Miss Argentina 2010, Miss Micaela Lopez Bianchi, a lovely twenty year old young woman with Italian origins : "I am a volleyball player since more than 10 years and I like the WVBF involvement for youth and poor countries ».

Everybody is now looking at Vevey, the next 2010 WVBF Protour leg (12 -15 of august 2010).

dimanche 18 juillet 2010

WVBF Protour 2010 Presented by Cornèrcard in Florence
"A Lightly game despite a gloomy weather"

(Vevey June 30, 2010) After two very successful legs in Catania 2008 and 2009, Italy once again brought honour to the WVBF Beach Volleyball World Championship Protour with the organisation of the first ever edition in Florence on the beautiful and legendary « Piazza Santa Croce ». The world best players have braved a very unfair weather to offer an exceptional sport quality to the brave public who has attended the competitions.

The Saturday competitions day had to be cancelled due to a heavy weather and dangerous sand, because of that the finals, originally planed on Sunday, had to be cancelled too. The classification was then done in proportion of matches’ victories. For the women’s draw, it is once again the strong American pair composed of Elizabeth "Liz » Pagano and Noel Frohman who took the first place before Brazil and Canada.

The men competitions where particularly tight, in fact no fewer than four teams were competing for top ranking. It was in fact impossible, according to the number of played games, to separate Brazil, Slovenia, Switzerland and an "American-Italian" pairs who must share the cup by four.

Jean Pierre Seppey, WVBF President, the only global Volleyball and Beach volleyball institution who respect and fully implement the International Olympic Committee (IOC) principles and ethical values: financial transparency, democratically elections with secret ballot, recognition of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) and full respect of the Olympics fundamental principles, congratulates the work done by the Italian organizing committee and he is optimistic for the future "I want to congratulate the Italian Beach Volleyball Federation (FIBV), its president Vittorio Silvestri and all the squad for their amazing work in very difficult conditions, it is largely due to their excellent reactivity that the tournament has been played in the best possible conditions."

The FIBV President, Vittorio Silvestri, thanked Florence authorities and all the event partners for their support "Despite my disappointment, I would just like to thank the Firence political authorities of the city, Mateo Renzi, the Mayor of Firence, all partners and sponsors without whom the tournament could not have taken place. All have already confirmed their support for the 2011 edition which will be, I am sure, marked by a more favourable weather"

vendredi 14 mai 2010

WVBF ProTour 2010 Campeche (Mexico)

« A successful first edition in Mexico! »
(Lausanne April 10, 2010). The first leg of the Beach Volleyball World Championships ProTour 2010, organized under the auspices of the World Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Federation (WVBF), the only world volleyball institution to respect and fully implement the Olympic principles: democratically elections by secret ballots, financial transparency and development, has just ended on the beautiful beaches of Carmen in Campeche (Mexico). A festive atmosphere, an exceptional sport level and a radiant sun contributed to make this first edition a great success. Teams from around the world have struggled for three days to catch a spot on the podium. In the women's draw, the Lithuanian pair, living in the USA and newcomers on the world circuit, composed of Iwona Virilaite and Rasa Lodzik, defeated the favourites American Elizabeth "Liz" Pagano and Noel Frohman after a fantastic final (14 to 21, 21 to 15, 15 to 12). The third place was won by the Bolivian team who showed an interesting game and who were rewarded by this very good performance. The male draw was « dominated » by the Americans. The two USA engaged pairs managed in fact to reach the final. The title finally went to Mark Paaluhi and Clint Coe who have taken the best of their compatriots Mike Rupp and Ryan Ratelle after an one-way final (21 to 13, 21 to 17). All the other teams involved have shared the crumbs and it is ultimately the excellent Swiss pair Julien Dougoud – Clément Schoeb who completed the podium after the victory against Italy in the small final.
Campeche authorities and representatives have attended the awarding ceremony. Fernando Galindo Espinosa and Javier Trejo Garay, the World Volleyball and Beach Volleyball representatives in Mexico, have thanked specially and warmly the Campeche Sport Institute General manager, Mr. Jorge Carlos Hurtado, for his support and participation at this ceremony.
The Dominican Manuel Lara, WVBF Board member and delegate in Campeche, congratulated
Fernando Espinosa and Javier Trejo Garay’s team for the excellent organization of the
Players will be next week in Cochabamba (Bolivia) before travelling to Europe for the Swiss and Italian steps. A beautiful show in perspective, the 2010 WVBF Protour is launched!

WVBF Protour 2010 in Cochabamba (BOLIVIA)

"Devilish Finals in Cochabamba, the WVBF South American Paradise for Volleyball and Beach Volleyball "
(Lausanne April 14, 2010) One week after a successful Inaugural step in Campeche (Mexico), the Beach Volleyball World Championships Protour 2010 took place for the third consecutive year in Cochabamba (Bolivia). Organized by the Bolivian Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Association under the auspices of the World Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Federation (WVBF), the Tournament was once again a real success thanks to both a beautiful weather and an High sport level.The women's draw was won by the Brazilian pair Marli de Souza / Ana Teixeira who defeated Johanna Balderrama and Franschesca Canedo from Bolivia, who after a faultless event in front of their public were defeated in the final (21 to 18, 21 to 15). Third place was won by another Bolivian pair composed of Claudia Pavisic and Mara Ortiz who beat the Canadian Stacey Clark and Jenifer Henderson in a classification match. Brazil as well won the men’s title after a breathtaking final against Bolivia. Very much supported by their public, Luis Garcia and David Ramirez made a good start by winning the first set 21 to 19. A bit paralyzed by the challenge, they suddenly made some mistakes. In the same time, Cristiano Martin and Diego Teixeira raised their game level upon to win the last two sets 21 to 13, 15 to 11. The Podium is completed by another Bolivian team : Bernardo Pavisic and Rene Barrientos. The WVBF and his President Jean Pierre Seppey particularly congratulate Bernardo Pavisic who besides being a brilliant athlete, is also WVBF board member and the Bolivian Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Association President, one of the world most active associations "thanks to the devotion and the work of members such as Bernardo Pavisic, his father Roberto and his family, our global institution is an important vector of ethical values and good governance in total compliance with the Olympic principles and charter. I want to congratulate Bernardo Pavisic for the work he is achieving every day to promote our sport in his country and in South America, always in a fair play and non-discrimination spirit”.